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Showing 76–150 of 190 results

  • Lessons Learned In The Lions Den


    Lessons Learned in the Lion’s Den shares the journey of one missionary family as the father is detained in a predominantly Muslim country in Africa. Daniel Waheli’s time spent in prison is ripe for building intimacy with the Lord in the midst of confusion, suffering, and uncertainty. The accounts of his wife and two young children offer a glimpse into the inner life of the family during this trying time. The heart of this story is not a man imprisoned, but a family united-in hope, love, and a pressing desire that God be glorified in all things. In a world where mission strategies come and go and often fall short of being effective, Waheli distills his experience into twelve principles for building character to better serve the Lord and persevere in His call. Whether you are a pioneer among unreached people groups or simply a Christian hungry to see Jesus glorified in your daily life, these tried and true concepts will prepare you to endure in the face of hardship.

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  • Slippery Paths In The Darkness


    A primary concern amongst missiologists is presenting the gospel in a way that is culturally relevant without adulterating the essential truths of the message. The ability to appropriately contextualize this message is the difference between establishing an indigenous Christianity as opposed to introducing syncretism. In this compendium of presentations and papers, the issue is addressed with regard to the idea of covenant relationship with the Lord. Drawing from interdisciplinary research across continents, Tippett examines the syncretistic religious behaviors eminent at the time of his writing that threatened to fracture this covenant relationship- from eastern personality cults in India to scientology in Australia, from satanism in the United States to animism in Mexico. While his research only spans a set number of years, Tippett provides timeless insights for a global church burdened with the Great Commission call in an increasingly pluralistic world.

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  • Out Of The Dust


    “Don’t waste your pain,” says unlikely missionary Avis Goodhart. She didn’t – and neither should you. Despite a background of childhood abuse, dyslexia, and marital infidelity, Avis took her first international mission trip at age fifty. The church, school, and orphanage she later founded in northern Peru, all products of both her pain and her radical obedience to the Lord, have brought thousands of others out of the dust. This compelling story of an ordinary woman who serves God in extraordinary ways will challenge, inspire, and empower you to: * Eliminate excuses from your life * Recognize that in God’s kingdom, availability matters more than ability * Allow your pain to produce – not prevent – your obedience * Serve the Lord with the same abandon shown by one unlikely missionary

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  • Dont Throw The Book At Them


    Don’t Throw the Book at Them addresses one of the most vital issues in contemporary missions. It is a manual for cross-cultural missionaries and national church leaders ministering in societies based on oral rather than written communication. Harry Box, former missionary and researcher in Papua New Guinea and among the Aborigines of Central Australia, explains the distinct characteristics of oral societies, how they differ from literacy-oriented societies, Jesus’ ministry to oral communicators, and why effective presentation of the Christian message demands that Western Christians change their approach to orality. The book goes beyond case studies and analysis, allowing the reader to develop a detailed plan for communication.

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  • Age Of Global Giving


    The dynamics of globalization and the speed of change have created greater complexity for Western missions. The Age of Global Giving provides accelerated learning for donors, church leaders, agency leaders, and mission workers. As a result, donors can achieve greater outcomes with deeper satisfaction in their giving and their voluntary work. Ministry workers can develop improved vision, values, and strategies that go further in creating sustainable impact and align with the donor values of today. It’s a new day in the relationship between donor and recipient, and it’s just in time because global mission is in dire need of this kind of cooperation.

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  • Starting Missional Churches


    All mission is local–the people of God joining the work of God in a particular place. In Starting Missional Churches Mark Lau Branson and Nicholas Warnes introduce us to seven missional churches and explore what it looks like to be salt and light where you are.

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  • Being Church Doing Life


    Evidence now suggests that contextual church plants have an important role to play in church growth. There is an increasing international interest in these new and different forms of church, often known as ‘Fresh Expressions’ or ’emerging church’. Author Michael Moynagh is a member of the UK national Fresh Expressions movement, a remarkable initiative that has attracted widespread attention around the world. In this inspiring volume he shares practical and comprehensive advice on how to start and grow new churches – however small – in every context of life. This popular introduction emphasizes practical aspects, telling many of the great stories that have emerged through practitioners. It will enthuse and help church leaders and individuals to start and develop these communities; and advise them on how to help them grow to maturity and become sustainable.

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  • Message Worth Dying For


    Pastor Michael and Diane Meagher released their youngest child to attend Bible College in 1996, and boarded a jetliner to begin their new lives as independent missionaries among an un-evangelized tribe in the bleakest, most unforgiving wilderness on earth. They had two dollars in their pockets, two donated airline tickets . . . and one indescribably powerful God who had called and prepared them to reach precious lost souls in north-central Siberia, Russia.

    They were compelled by hearts flaming with the compassion He had instilled in them and a shared faith forged in the crucible of decades of tribulation, deliverance from myriad dangers, and the forsaking of all earthly frills and baubles that might distract them from their purpose.

    They were deemed unqualified and unfit by two dozen mission boards and dismissed as crazy by casual onlookers, self-appointed counselors, and even fellow soldiers of the faith.

    The odds were severely stacked against them and their enemies and detractors were legion. They had no promise of financial support, no safety net, and no sanctuary. Once they set foot on that plane, there was no turning back. To an uttermost part of the earth, they were resolved to carry a message worth dying for: this is HIStory and their story …

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  • Health For All


    When Dan Fountain and his wife arrived in the Congo in 1961, the challenges to effective medical missions seemed overwhelming. As the only doctor for a quarter of a million residents of the Vanga Health Zone, and with nothing but a dilapidated mission hospital and an undertrained staff to run it, Dr. Fountain turned to prayer, innovation, and local partnerships to meet the vast needs of his area.

    Health for All tells the story of an ever-increasing vision-from curative care to community health, from a barely functioning hospital to a network of successful health services, from a lack of qualified workers to a local residency training program, from biomedical reductionism to whole person care, from cultural stalemate to worldview transformation. Dr. Fountain’s insights into health and wholeness have changed countless lives and communities. Part memoir, part history, part textbook, Health for All is the legacy of a man who patterned his life and labor after that of the Great Physician.

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  • New Parish : How Neighborhood Churches Are Transforming Mission Discipleshi


    When . . . faith communities begin connecting together, in and for the neighborhood, they learn to depend on God for strength to love, forgive and show grace like never before. . . . The gospel becomes so much more tangible and compelling when the local church is actually a part of the community, connected to the struggles of the people, and even the land itself. Paul Sparks, Tim Soerens and Dwight J. Friesen have seen–in cities, suburbs and small towns all over North America–how powerful the gospel can be when it takes root in the context of a place, at the intersection of geography, demography, economy and culture. This is not a new idea–the concept of a parish is as old as Paul’s letters to the various communities of the ancient church. But in an age of dislocation and disengagement, the notion of a church that knows its place and gives itself to where it finds itself is like a breath of fresh air, like a sign of new life.

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  • Incarnate : The Body Of Christ In An Age Of Disengagement


    14 Chapters

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    The story of Christianity is a story of incarnation–God taking on flesh and dwelling among the people he created. God appointing and sending people as his body, his hands and feet. Disciples of Jesus bearing the good news even as they bear the marks of his passion. Whatever Christianity is, it is at least a matter of flesh and blood and the ends of the earth. And yet so much of contemporary Christian culture is rooted not in incarnation but in escape–escape from the earth to heaven, escape from the suffering of this world, escape even from one another. Christianity is increasingly understood as something personal, conceptual, interior, private, neighborless. If Jesus was God incarnate, the church is in danger of being excarnate. Michael Frost expertly and prophetically exposes the gap between the faith we profess and the faith we practice. And he offers new hope for how the church can fulfill its vocation: the hands and feet of Christ to one another and to our neighbors, to the ends of the earth and to the end of the age.

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  • Think Kingdom Be Family


    The Think Kingdom-Be Family Initiative (TKBF) is a biblically-grounded, research-based, and relationally-delivered discipleship approach to identify the elements that characterize missional families and to effectively mobilize them. Many families lack a corporate sense of mission. As a result, churches need to embrace the challenge of mobilizing families according to their collective identity and purpose in Christ and His mission. In the end, this qualitative research demonstrates that a new way of being and doing is possible through redemptive family wholeness, characteristics, and mobilization.

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  • Deep Sea Canoe (Revised)


    This updated version of Tippett’s 1977 The Deep Sea Canoe describes a significant but often overlooked aspect of the expansion of Christianity in the South Pacific, that of South Sea Island believers who carried the gospel from one island to another in their deep sea canoes. It is a well-researched study by one who knew the islands and their people, a man known by the Fijians as one who spoke their language.

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  • Missionary Family : Managing Stress Effectively


    Hundreds of missionaries go home each year due to stress affecting themselves and/or their families. Hundreds of others remain on the field but struggle with reduced effectiveness from bearing the burden of stress. The Missionary Family: Managing Stress Effectively provides sound biblical and practical principles to help missionaries and their family members manage stress and become more effective in ministry. An integrated approach, these principles touch causes, effects, and management techniques in each part of the human being-spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral.

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  • Whats So Blessed About Being Poor


    An inspiring exploration of how happiness and holiness can exist in the midst of poverty and illness. Two lay women who have chosen to live among the poor in East Africa, one a Maryknoll lay mission, and the other, a New York attorney who left her law practice to become a lay mission with the Franciscans minister to the poor in Kenya. Slavin first met Salvador when she was volunteering as a lawyer working in a justice and peace program in Kenya. Slavin was intrigued by the well-known phrase Blessed are the poor. After approaching this seeming paradox through unrewarding library research, she decided that she would join Salvador in her ministry to AIDS orphans to try to understand how the poor can be blessed. This account tells of their experiences as they worked together with the poor, primarily AIDS orphans, in the slums of Kenya. Photos will be included.

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  • More Screams Different Deserts


    More Screams, Different Deserts is another invitation to join Sue on her adventures in cross-cultural living and biblical studies that have helped her along the way. With twenty-seven years of experience in cross cultural ministry, Sue realizes that joy and perseverance are essential for thriving in life and ministry. Her stories and insights encourage women to look to Jesus, our only hope wherever we live. Stories, ranging from one corner of the world to another, include discovering a forgotten museum,
    protecting her children from chocolate, visiting a camel market, and meeting wild pigs on a nighttime walk. God has been her refuge, and his Word held her steady when all she really wanted to do was run away and hide. Questions and resources at the end of each chapter will help readers think through personal application and find additional help.

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  • Missional Discipleship : Partners In Gods Redemptive Mission


    “Where does discipleship end and evangelism begin? How does one fit with the other?
    Joining the two together properly is a challenge. Both are important and both are necessary.

    Missional Discipleship offers a holistic vision that effectively incorporates discipleship with evangelism. Thoroughly Wesleyan in its emphasis on God’s ever-present grace and the possibility of human response, this approach demonstrates that education and formation go hand-in-hand with mission and witness.

    Written by a cadre of scholars and seasoned ministers, this book is an accessible resource to assist pastors and leaders as they introduce to their churches and small groups the vision of mission discipleship. With topics ranging from service and compassion to discipleship and the family, this invaluable guide encapsulates what it means to engage a community of faith in embodying the gospel and equipping Christians to participate in the restorative and redemptive mission of God in the world.”

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  • Missional Quest : Becoming A Church Of The Long Run


    Introduction: Before The First Step

    Part I: Fostering A Missional Mindset
    1. The Starting Line

    Part II: Fostering A Missional Posture
    2. Stop And Go
    3. AD 30 All Over Again
    4. Won’t You Be My Neighbor
    5. Home, Work And God’s Mission
    6. Where Everybody Knows Your Name
    7. Launching Pads
    8. Follow The Follower
    9. Have A Great Trip

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    When Christ calls people, he invites them on a journey-a journey taken together in community. We have reached a point in history, however, when we think of the church as a fixed place where isolated individuals show up, consume a Christian message, drink some coffee, and get on with their lives. The times demand, and the gospel proclaims, that we recover our identity as a church that is a people on a quest for the kingdom of heaven, formed intimately by a loving God and called onto a long journey for the sake of our neighbors and our world. In The Missional Quest you’ll learn how to take your church on a long run, and how to sustain yourselves and one another along the way, through the power of God for the sake of the world.

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  • Environmental Missions : Planting Churches And Trees


    Environmental Missions defines an emerging category in missions, one that takes seriously
    both the mandate to evangelize the world and the responsibility of caring for God’s good earth.

    Lowell Bliss was a traditional church planting missionary in India when his best Hindu friend there died of malaria. This was just one of the events that led him to reexamine the politically charged term “environment,” understanding it now as simply “that which surrounds those we love, those for whom Jesus died.” In other words, the church is called to reach not only vulnerable people but the space in which they live and breathe.

    Pointing to the narrative of Scripture and the history of missions, Bliss shows us that the gospel of Jesus Christ is good news for the whole creation, that we must unite two traditionally separate endeavors to fulfill the entirety of God’s commission, and that the challenge of the environmental crises of our day is also one of our greatest opportunities to reach the least reached with the love of Christ.

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  • Searching For The Indigenous Church


    “This book bubbles up out of the heart of a man who has been on pilgrimage in Central Asia’s heartland. He has walked the dusty caravan trails he writes about in this perceptive and challenging book . . . . I’ve walked beside him as together we’ve sought to see Christ plant His church among an unreached Central Asian people group . . . . Gene will challenge you to radically rethink what we mean . . . when we speak of indigenous churches.” -John Lee (pseudonym), Missionary, Central Asia

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  • Road To Bau


    Alan Tippett’s publications played a significant role in the development of missiology. The volumes in this series augment his distinguished reputation by bringing to light his many unpublished materials and hard-to-locate printed articles. These books-encompassing theology, anthropology, history, area studies, religion, and ethnohistory-broaden the contours of the discipline.

    English missionary John Hunt and Tongan missionary Joeli Bulu served in the Fiji islands in the 1840s. Their lives were intertwined as they faced the social issues of island warfare, cannibalism, and the ills brought to the Pacific by traders and those involved in the labor trade. In this fascinating two-volume book Alan Tippett first provides the biography of Hunt, then together with Tomasi Kanailagi gives us the thoroughly researched and annotated autobiography of Joeli Bulu.

    Twenty years as a missionary in Fiji, following pastoral ministry in Australia and graduate degrees in history and anthropology, provide the rich data base that made Alan R. Tippett a leading missiologist of the twentieth century. Tippett served as Professor of Anthropology and Oceanic Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary.

    Tomasi Kanailagi was born in the Fiji Islands, and ordained minister of the Methodist Church in Fiji. He served with the Bible Society in the South Pacific, holding a Diploma of Theology from the Melbourne College of Divinity, and a Bachelor’s degree in Divinity from the Pacific Theological College. Doug Priest, PhD, served as a missionary for seventeen years in Kenya, Tanzania, and Singapore

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  • Minnesota Mom Volume 3


    This is the story of a 1960s Minnesota mother who struggles to keep up with three small children and housework. Barely able to cope, even with all the modern American conveniences, she panics when her husband begins to talk about pursuing missionary work.
    Nothing could have prepared Pat Stendal for her adventure in Christian missions – with mule-riding lessons, sleeping in hammocks in the jungle, and traveling with sick children. A surprise new baby with special physical needs caused Pat to wonder how they would ever manage. Here she was in a new country, needing to learn an entirely new culture while facing overwhelming obstacles – only to learn that the entire time God was simply showing her and her family that His grace is indeed sufficient. And was it ever – their family ministry has been blessed to see thousands of souls won for Christ, and hundreds of thousands of books and Bibles distributed.

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  • Come And See


    The mission of the Church is to introduce the person of Christ to individual human beings who by faith enter into communion with God. This does not involve adapting information to a particular context, but rather establishing the context prescribed by God for the presence of Christ wherever we happen to be among the peoples of the world. Contextualization, then, creates a new invitational core context which is host to the presence of the divine person. This is defined with the help of the gifts of ecclesial Tradition, which enables conditions that facilitate communion, and which thus helps us engage the world.

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  • Expectations And Burnout


    Missionary women have high expectations when they respond to God’s call; of themselves, their mission agencies, host cultures, churches, co-workers, and even of God. These expectations are often times impossible to fulfill and can lead to mental and physical exhaustion. Eighty percent of missionary women feel they have come close to burnout, whether they were married or single, traditional or tent making, new or experienced. In Expectations and Burnout: Women Surviving the Great Commission, Sue provides research and surveys from the field while Robynn lends her own personal experiences to demonstrate how burnout can happen and how God can bring life from ashes. Join them as they explore how to develop realistic expectations and yet maintain faith in our sovereign God who continues to accomplish the impossible.

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  • Rethinking Hindu Ministry


    Hindu traditions are diverse and complex. Simple summaries of Hindu beliefs and practices lack appreciation for the allure which captivates Hindus themselves. This collection of papers from seasoned practitioners observes Hindu traditions and Hindu ministry from new angles, introducing new perspectives on ministry in Christ’s name that are relevant far beyond the Hindu world. Broad conceptual pictures are presented along with detailed practical advice and introductions to remarkable Hindus who surrendered to Christ and wrestled with the meaning of following Him in their Hindu families. This is the first book to turn to for pointers on sharing Christ with Hindus.

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  • Literacy Bible Reading And Church Growth


    The story of Christianity from apostolic times to the present reveals that in virtually every country of the world a Bible-reading laity was an important factor in the growth of the church, both numerically and spiritually. The importance of the Bible in actual history is a challenge to the church today.

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  • Comprehensive Approach Yet One Message


    Dr. Berhanu Arsse presents thorough research and careful consideration on proven methods of effective Christian evangelism to Muslims in the United States. This is a rich resource for any Christian who has not been able to find the right techniques for reaching those that come from or are in a religion and culture so distinct from their own. This book feels as though it is the forerunner of a new class of thought that will reshape the current of the Gospel from how it is currently spread. Interesting and unique subject matter – the researched topic is far from ubiquitous in bookstores, which well set it apart from other religious non-fiction. It is also intriguing to consider that so much thought and purposefulness has been dedicated to evangelizing amongst Muslims when many probably (and some perhaps without realizing it) feel that the religion and culture are so strong it cannot be penetrated. Due to its genesis from research, the book is extremely well organized and meticulously documented. The value of paying for this book will be completely obvious to any person who would be interested to learn the information contained within. It is of a very high caliber and will be regarded as such due to the author’s diligence and hard work in presenting this book. It is excellent that the author explains how evangelism and social transformation became separated and why they belong together. This is central to Christians fully emulating the Christ they claim and is not nearly discussed as much as should be. Dr. Berhanu Arsse is a founder and Executive Director of Caris International. A certified teacher, he holds undergraduate degree from Ethiopia, M.A. in cross cultural Ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, TX, and earned Ph.D. in Missiology from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN. Dr. Arsse speaks in Universities, mission seminars and conferences. He is now a pastor, and coordinates multi-nation evangelistic outreach. Dr. Arsse, his wife Ayantu, and their son Kayo live in Columbus, OH.

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  • Insanity Of God


    The Insanity of God is the personal and lifelong journey of an ordinary couple from rural Kentucky who thought they were going on just your ordinary missionary pilgrimage, but discovered it would be anything but. After experiencing life in places where it looked like God had turned away completely and was clueless about the tragedies of life, and after losing their teenage son in the mission field, the couple knew that their faith would never be the same.Nik recalls that, “God had always been so real to me, to Ruth, and to our boys. But was He enough, for the utter weariness of soul I experienced at that time, in that place, under those circumstances?

    ” It is a question that many have asked and one that, if answered, can lead us to a whole new world of faith.

    How does faith survive, let alone flourish in a place like the Middle East? How can Good truly overcome such evil? How do you maintain hope when all is darkness around you? How can we say “greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world” when it may not be visibly true in that place at that time? How does anyone live an abundant, victorious Christian life in our world’s toughest places? Can Christianity even work outside of Western, dressed-up, ordered nations? If so, how?

    The Insanity of God tells a story-a remarkable and unique story to be sure, yet at heart a very human story-of the Ripkens’ own spiritual and emotional odyssey. The gripping, narrative account of a personal pilgrimage into some of the toughest places on earth, combined with sobering and insightful stories of the remarkable people of faith Nik and Ruth encountered on their journeys, will serve as a powerful course of revelation, growth, and challenge for anyone who wants to know whether God truly is enough.

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  • Western Christians In Global Mission


    Preface: An Invitation To A Journey
    Introduction: Questions For The Journey
    Part 1: Where Are We Now?
    1. The State Of The World
    2. An Appraisal Of The North American Church
    3. An Appraisal Of The Majority World Church

    Part 2: Moving Forward
    4. Biblical Continuity
    5. Posture Of Humility
    6. Purposeful Reciprocity
    7. Sacrifice–Not Just Generosity
    8. Partnership Equality
    9. Listening To Our Non-Western Brothers And Sisters
    10. United Together–So That The World Might Know

    Conclusion: Responding To The Invitation
    Appendix: Letters To The North American Church

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    The world has changed. A century ago, Christianity was still primarily centered in North America and Europe. By the dawn of the twenty-first century, Christianity had become a truly global faith, with Christians in Asia, Africa and Latin America outpacing those in the rest of the world. There are now more Christians in China than in all of Europe, more Pentecostals in Brazil than in the United States, and more Anglicans in Kenya than in Great Britain, Canada and the United States combined. Countries that were once destinations for western missionaries are now sending their own missionaries to North America. Given these changes, some think the day of the Western missionary is over. Some are wary that American mission efforts may perpetuate an imperialistic colonialism. Some say that global outreach is best left to indigenous leaders. Others simply feel that resources should be focused on the home front. Is there an ongoing role for the North American church in global mission? Missions specialist Paul Borthwick brings an urgent report on how the Western church can best continue in global mission. He provides a current analysis of the state of the world and how Majority World leaders perceive North American Christians’ place. Borthwick offers concrete advice for how Western Christians can be involved without being paternalistic or creating dependency. Using their human and material resources with wise and strategic stewardship, North Americans can join forces with the Majority World in new, interdependent ways to answer Gods call to global involvement. In this critical age, the global body of Christ needs one another more than ever. Discover how the Western church can contribute to a new era of mission marked by mutuality, reciprocity and humility.

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  • Serving With Eyes Wide Open (Revised)


    Short-term mission trips are great ways to impact the kingdom. Yet they can lack effectiveness because of mistakes or naivetServing with Eyes Wide Open is a must-have book for anyone doing a short-term mission or service project, whether domestic or overseas.

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  • Creating A Missional Culture


    Once upon a time, Moses had had enough. Exhausted by the challenge of leading the Israelites from slavery to the Promised Land, Moses cried out to God, “What have I done to displease you that you put the burden of all these people on me? . . . If this is how you are going to treat me, please go ahead and kill me” (Exodus 11:11, 15). If that sounds hauntingly familiar to you, you may be the senior pastor of a contemporary church. The burden of Christian leadership is becoming increasingly unbearable–demanding skills not native to the art of pastoring; demanding time that makes sabbath rest and even normal sleep patterns seem extravagant; demanding inhuman levels of efficiency, proficiency and even saintliness. No wonder pastors seem and even feel less human these days. No wonder they burn out or break down at an alarming rate; no wonder the church is missing the mark on its mission. In Creating a Missional Culture, JR Woodward offers a bold and surprisingly refreshing model for churches–not small adjustments around the periphery of a church’s infrastructure but a radical revisioning of how a church ought to look, from its leadership structure to its mobilization of the laity. The end result looks surprisingly like the church that Jesus created and the apostles cultivated: a church not chasing the wind but rather going into the world and making disciples of Jesus.

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  • Vietnams Christians : A Century Of Growth In Adversity


    In 1975, Vietnam, united under communism, fell behind a bamboo curtain. Many feared the worst for churches there. But fifteen years later, churches, especially among Vietnam’s ethnic minority mountain peoples, suddenly exploded in number and vitality.

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  • Trailblazers For Translators


    By 1990, over 6,000 Wycliffe Bible translators around the world were working to give ethnic minorities the Bible in their own tongues. Scores of translators trained by the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) are also doing translation work while working under other agencies. The roots of the Bible translation movement are found in an extraordinary conference held in Chichicastenango, Guatemala, in 1915. This book is a detailed record of those meetings.

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  • Hope For The Hopeless


    Hope for the Hopeless continues the journey of Charles Mulli started in the best-selling biography Father to the Fatherless. Six year-old Charles Mulli was abused by his father and abandoned by his family. Forced to beg from hut to hut in Kenya to survive, Mulli worked his way out of poverty and became a wealthy businessman. Despite all his success, the growing struggle of the street children in h remained strong in his heart. Hearing the call of God on his life, Mulli sold everything he owned and began rescuing street children from the slums of Kenya and gave them a home at Mully Children’s Family. His journey of faith challenges him to trust Christ in desperate times, confront evil forces and believe God for even greater miracles of healing and deliverance. It takes him into the heart of the most devastating event in recent Kenyan history, where in the wake of the postelection violence that shook Kenya to its core, while the nation stands in fear and desperation, Mulli risks everything to follow the call of Christ on his life to bring hope to the hopeless. People will be greatly moved by these amazing true stories. Each tells of a tragedy turned miraculous. Whether the young girl evicted by her family and left to survive in a slum or the boy whose parents passed away, leaving him destitute on the street, all appear hopeless cases until they encounter Charles Mulli and discover a new life they could not have imagined.

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  • Adventure In Missions


    An Adventure in Missions is a personal and exciting adventure in life.

    -Discover a roadmap and guide to your adventure.
    -Discover many experiences you can learn from.
    -Discover things you can expect to happen.
    -Read about choices and results.

    This is a basic resource manual for anyone interested in missions. It traces a missionary experience, beginning with the call, preparation, service and the dazzling experiences of missionary life. It’s an adventurous, humorous, tumultuous, and exciting road map to missions. You’ll laugh and cry. There are important lessons in each experience and they’ll help you in your life adventure.

    There are ways to recognize your call, preparations that need to be made, things you’ll need to work on and why they are important, plus how to recognize key people in your life and develop a ministry support team. You will also learn about things to avoid.

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  • Identity And Transformation


    David Ofumbi is convinced biblically that, Christian faith covers the entire realm of human existence. There is no dichotomy between private life and public life, or spiritual life and secular life, or an individual and a community. In fact, the whole of human life is the visible expression of the invisible God. Therefore, respective indigenous cultures and the gospel must engage and impact each other. On the one hand, Christians in respective indigenous cultures engage and adapt the gospel to the deep-level meaning and the surface-level forms of their cultures; on the other hand, the gospel transforms respective cultures continuously. African understanding and practices of Christian faith (“Africa Christianity”) in this respect is both the outcome of the reciprocal impact between respective indigenous cultures and the gospel and the basis of authentic Christian response to human needs (“Christian Community Transformation”).

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  • Complexities Of Money And Missions In Asia



    1. Buddhist Perceptions Of The Christian Use Of Funds In Sri Lanka
    G. P. V. Somaratna

    2. Personal Reflections On Financial Responsibility Of Missionaries And Indigenous Churches
    Alex G. Smith

    3. Money And Missionary Lifestyle In The Buddhist World
    Andrew Thomas

    4. Possessions, Positions, And Power: Material Asymmetries And The Missionary Call
    Jonathan J. Bonk

    5. Partnerships, Money, And Dialogue In Buddhist Contexts
    Mary T. Lederleitner

    6. Speaking Of The Unspeakable: Money And Missions In Patron-client Buddhist Cultures
    Paul H. De Neui

    7. Effective Partnerships For Church-Multiplication And Insider Movements
    David S. Lim

    Scripture Index

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    What happens when an expatriate missionary is thrust into a context where the standard of living is so divergent that perceived or actual wealth suddenly becomes the strongest draw of attraction? What actual message is communicated through the wordless witness of the Western Christian missionary lifestyle? Is attention to so-called good news now so financially focused that other foundational issues become overshadowed? This issue becomes even more complicated when the missionary arrives clueless about personal privilege, ignorant of the envy of others, and carries the mistaken attitude that others think similarly. SEANET proudly presents Complexities of Money and Missions in Asia for all who are asking such questions. From seven different indigenous and expatriate perspectives this volume deals with the perceptions of money specifically from those seeking to serve obediently in the Buddhist contexts of Asia.

    SEANET serves as a networking forum wherein groups and individuals can meet to reflect and strategize together on topics particular to their collective mission. SEANET does not promote one particular strategy or one particular theology but seeks to learn from models of hope that show what God is doing around the world. Each year the annual SEANET conference brings together over one hundred and fifty practitioners who are privileged to live and serve throughout the Buddhist world. The chapters of this volume represent seven of those voices from the network.

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  • Global Member Care 1


    12 Chapters

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    If you are interested in growing as a person and developing your member care skills, then this book is for you. Global Member Care: The Pearls and Perils of Good Practice is the latest book from Kelly O’Donnell, launching the member care field further into the international world of mission/aid.

    Part One reviews member care history and includes future directions in light of global realities. Part Two examines the crucial area of health/dysfunction with specific suggestions for good relationships, management, and governance. Part Three explores core ethics and human rights principles that are essential for good practice.

    Pearls and Perils is a contemporary text for training in universities, seminaries, and mission/aid settings. Its principles and resources also make it a great handbook for sending groups and all those with member care responsibilities.

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  • Translating Christ : The Memoirs Of Herman Peter Aschmann Wycliff Bible Tra


    Told through private conversations and personal correspondence between Herman Aschmann and the author, with additional insight from Aschmann’s family and friends, Translating Christ pieces together the life of Herman Aschmann, Wycliffe Bible translator, and his wife as they lived and worked among the Totonac people of Mexico. Aschmann’s abundance of physical and intellectual energy, linked with a passionate curiosity and empathetic concern for the language and culture of the Totonac people, enabled him to translate three distinct Totonac New Testaments. his became the foundation for the remarkable growth of the Totonac church in Mexico.

    Hugh Steven is a historical biographer, author, and photographer with Wycliffe Bible Translators. He has published over thirty books and hundreds of articles on the work and ministry of Wycliffe, many of which have given readers dramatic insights into the high adventure and transforming power of the translated scriptures. Now retired, Hugh and his wife Norma reside in Santa Ana, California. They have four married children, eleven grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

    There is a tendency to accept academic training as a criterion of expertness in translating, since people think of translators as language professionals and professionalism is usually judged in terms of years of study. On the other hand, one of the most creative translators I have ever known was Herman Aschmann, a person of limited academic training, but one who became entranced by the cultural content and literary potential of Totonac, an Indian language of Mexico. Instead of submitting one possible rendering of a biblical expression, he usually had a half dozen different ways of representing the meaning of the Greek text. Not only did he produce three exceptional New Testaments in Totonac, but he inspired local people to imitate his skill in discovering more and more meaningful ways of communicating a message into an entirely different language-culture.
    -Dr. Eugene Nida, premier linguist, Bible Translation theoretician, and Herman’s former linguistics teacher

    Herman Aschmann was a kindly man without pretense. His work was always more of the heart than of the head. He was plainspoken, a bit nervous, tolerant of others and always the best kind of company.
    -Felipe Ramos, Totonac pastor and radio voice of the Totonac Cultural Hour

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  • Empowering Children : Principles, Strategies, And Techniques For Mobilizing


    Empowering Children is especially designed for field practitioners seeking ways to encourage young people-particularly the marginalized-to become more involved in changing their circumstances. Through dozens of exercises and lessons, the book presents a variety of practical methods for engaging children in the development process-from assessments to evaluations. Discussions on issues such as personal empowerment, self-esteem, problem analysis, and child protection can equip leaders to help children serve as agents of change who understand how valuable they are. The book concludes with preparations for a community child participation plan.

    From a Christian perspective, the realization that all children have dignity and are created in the image of God helps us to see that every child’s input is valuable. The Bible’s concepts of community, church, and mission further help us to see that God not only uses kids in his wonderful plan, but that he also wants all of his children-male, female, young, and old-to participate in his work in the world.

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  • Sacrifice Of Africa


    Displays the power of Christianity to unleash true political transformation in Africa

    Christianity is rapidly expanding in Africa – but so also are the vexing realities of war, civil unrest, corruption and violence. What are the connections between these two faces of Africa? Can Christianity become the much-needed social force for a new future in Africa? How would such a future come about, and what would it look like?

    These questions lie at the heart of The Sacrifice of Africa by Emmanuel Katongole. A Catholic priest from Uganda, born in 1960, who lived through the reign of Idi Amin and who has seen firsthand the problems that ravage his home country and its neighbors, Katonogole argues that recurring civil war, violence, corruption and instability are wired within the imaginative landscape of modern Africa, are set within the founding narratives of Africa’s inception into the modern world through colonialism and its successor institution, nation-state politics.

    In the face of these entrenched political imaginations, the most critical social challenge is one of “daring to invent” the future through new foundational narratives that reflect and nurture a fresh, different vision for African politics and social life. This is the primary political difference that Christianity can make in Africa.

    The stories of three African Christian leaders and their work – Bishop Paride Taban and the Holy Trinity Peace Village in Southern Sudan; Angelina Atyam in Uganda and the Concerned Parents Association in Uganda; and Maggie Barankitse and Maison Shalom in Burundi – cap off Katongole’s inspiring vision of hope for Africa.

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  • Living Mission : The Vision And Voices Of New Friars


    There is a new trend afoot, one that goes against the prevailing Western model, influenced by the values and principles of international commerce. Presented here are five “signs of life,” showcased by this network of movements best referred to as “new friars.” God’s kingdom in the hands of the people of God, the contributors to this book show us, is first and foremost incarnational, which leads necessarily to gospel witness that is devotional, communal, missional and marginal. With a survey of the history of new friar movements and commentary by forerunner, this seminal book, edited by Scott A. Bessenecker, paints a picture of mission that is new only because it has been neglected for so long, a mission that is truly good news to the people in its path.

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  • Haiti Past Present Future


    When I think about what could be in the future for Haiti, my heart beats with hope. I have seen firsthand children who were born into poverty grow up through our mission and become leaders. I believe the future of Haiti is wrapped up in three specific objectives.

    This first of these is its infrastructure. The country of Haiti has nothing to rebuild. We must build a new Haiti. From airports, to railroad systems, to roads and ports for shipping-Haiti must pioneer a future of mobility and commerce.

    The second objective is education. More than 50% of the children in Haiti never attend school. There is no greater poverty than not knowing how to read or write. That is slavery…and it must stop! The children of Haiti deserve an education to help make a better future.

    Last, but not least is the establishment of churches. Why? The church promotes values of family, community, and trust in God. With God all things are possible and there is no greater hope.

    I invite you to read my blog at where I share more long-term ideas for helping Haiti be a country of opportunity.

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  • Detour : An Off Road Safari


    This book opens a window into the heart of a loving missionary wife and mother dealing with the challenges of ministering in a different land. Refreshingly transparent in expressing her feelings, Patricia McGregor, with beautiful simplicity, tells it like it is, the joys as well as the sorrows. On occasion, too, her husband, Bishop Todd McGregor, as well as her daughters, Corbi and Charese (ages 15 and 16 at the time) share their thoughts.

    It is a moving saga, filled with adventure and surprise. The author has remarkable ability of seeing spiritual applications in the common things that happen every day. Life for her is a journey of obedience in the bonds of Christ. The road has many twists and turns, but even detours along the way serve to enlarge experiences of God’s faithfulness. To be sure, keeping the priorities of the Kingdom in order is not easy. There is a cross in it. Yet, however difficult the task, the love of Jesus shines through, and she makes you want to follow Him.

    Reading this book can be a tonic for your soul.

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  • Miracles In The Jungle


    Has God called you to something that seems frightening or insurmountable? It is definitely the right choice to obey Him and then hang on for the ride! The ride for the Rogne family during their first term overseas included many miracles for which they give all praise to God.

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  • Divine Assignment : The Missiology Of Wendell Clay Somerville


    Lucas Park Books
    The Divine Assignment: The Missiology of Wendell Clay Somerville is an analysis of the life, work, philosophy, and theology of Wendell Somerville. Somerville, an African American who made a substantial impact during a time of racial tension in the United States, led the work of the Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention for over fifty years and strove for a great global missions ministry. Learn and be enlightened as author and Executive Secretary-Treasurer for Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention, David Emmanuel Goatley, takes you into the insights Wendell Somerville had about the missional church, his understanding of the missional life, and his missional strategy for the world. Read about the changing nature of global mission theory and practice from the beginning of WWII to the twenty-first century.

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  • TransforMission


    Remarkably, thirty percent of North American teenagers-millions of people between the ages of 13 and 17-have engaged in religious missions or service projects. Building on this statistic, the authors of TransforMission believe that short-term mission is one way God is taking the gospel to the nations and, concurrently, transforming the lives of these student participants.

    Writing to youth ministers, missiologists, church leaders, adult volunteers, and post-high school students, they assess strategies for further promoting this kind of involvement by exploring several questions:

    * What mechanisms is God employing to achieve this advance in mission?
    * What is taking place in the lives of believers who are obediently participating in the fulfillment of the Great Commision?
    * What are the theological and theoretical foundations for the life transformation that is occurring?
    * What is the most effective means of conducting short-term mission experiences?

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  • Full Life


    “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full” – Jesus (John 10:10)

    I have witnessed much suffering in my work as a World Vision aid worker but I have been greatly blessed by seeing wonderful results of people’s lives being transformed by the love and practical aid they have received.

    Each country I have worked in has special memories for me including my time in remote Aboriginal communities of Australia. Ethiopia was a place of wailing and sadness where mass starvation confronted me everyday.

    Kenya was a contrast of laughter and colour where I spent 3.5 years with Youth With A Mission getting spiritually recharged.

    Mozambique was a huge challenge as a health officer responsible for a mind-boggling forty thousand people in 11 villages.

    In 1994, after the genocide I worked with World Vision in Rwanda leaving me with a greater understanding of the need for love and forgiveness.

    Although the country was still at war, Liberia was a place of reaping the fruits of my labour, seeing the health message effectively reach the village level.

    As you read the pages of this book be encouraged to step out for God for your own amazing adventure.

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  • Mustard Seed Church


    The Christian church has fallen away from Christ’s New Testament model of faith. The church desperately needs change and reform today. This generation has several objections to Christianity. It perceives the church as hypocritical, judgmental, delusional, pushy, bigoted, and overly political. Younger church members also recognize Christendom’s image problem today. Fulfillment of church mission and destiny requires the church to remove obstacles and dispel objections hindering completion of the Great Commission these latter days. What is happening to the church today? Why are so many people abandoning Christianity or reluctant to embrace the faith? What kind of spiritual attack is hindering Christian mission and destiny? Where is the church going prophetically? What can change Christianity’s image?

    The Church is under malevolent attack that continually hinders Christian mission and destiny. Church reform begins within each member of the church. Church attrition and backsliding are evidence of the expanding apostasy within Christendom. False doctrine and systemic bondage are destroying the spiritual fiber of the church. We must also recognize the moral failure reflecting Christendom’s overall inadequacy. The church must repent before able to reach the present generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This book is a call to church mission and reform. Church repentance will initiate a new wave of change, reform, and evangelism throughout Christendom.

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  • I Declare War


    From I Declare War…
    “Deliverance Ministry is a very complex ministry and one that it is very real. The world has
    led even the Church into the mindset that deliverance is about theatrics and gimmicks. The
    image of a monstrous, behorned, red-eyed animal figure attacking Christians is not
    consistent with the clear teachings of the Bible. This book (based on the author’s research)
    will serve as a reference that reveals the truth against various myths about deliverance that
    are widespread in the Church. It will help those who are called to Deliverance Ministry
    understand what can be done to stop the activities of the devil in the lives of God’s people.
    This work is not hypothetical in its nature; it is actuality confirmed by the truth of the Word
    of God. Scripture contains many references to deliverance.
    “The Church must be open to discussing these passages and applying their truth. There is
    no excuse for ignorance in the Body of Christ concerning spiritual matters. One of the gains
    and benefits of this research is to free the mind of preconceived notions about the spirit
    realm and encourage the Church to seek ‘freedom’ for the people of God. Legitimate
    Deliverance Ministry has been harmed by many who have intentionally incited fear and
    paranoia in people to render the Church powerless. Knowledge is power, however, and
    spiritual truths should be taught and practiced from the inception of Jesus Christ as Lord and
    Savior in the Church. This gives the Body of Christ an accurate picture of the victory that
    Jesus won on the cross.”

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  • Family And Faith In Asia


    If Christian mission in Asia and most of the non-Western world is ever to advance, it must seriously consider the importance of family networks. Far too long the strategy of a “one by one” approach has stifled the spread of the gospel, reinforced a highly individualized unbiblical theology and destroyed social relationships that might lead to conversation, conversion and social transformation. With this concern in mind, SEANET is proud to present another volume in its series addressing critical missiological issues relevant to the practice of mission in Buddhist, Asian and many other contexts. Our title, Family and Faith in Asia: The Missional Impact of Extended Networks, attempts to issue a wake-up call to serious reflection on a highly ignored social reality in Buddhist and many other social contexts. The book is a resource useful for anyone wishing to study practical approaches to issues related to family and faith in Asia, particularly in Buddhist contexts for mission.

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  • Recovering From Traumatic Stress


    Experiencing symptoms of traumatic stress can be debilitating. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a normal reaction to an abnormal event. Recovering from Traumatic Stress: A Guide for Missionaries provides information and resources for support that can lead to comfort and healing. This book teaches about the symptoms experienced after a traumatic incident and how to recognize them. It offers strength and ways to talk to children and others about traumatic experiences. With God’s help, readers who have experienced traumatic situations can begin to regain a sense of peace for themselves and their families.

    Stephanie Laite Lanham and Joyce Hartwell Pelletier are presenters with Sunrise Seminars, a Christian association of mental health professionals based in Maine. The group is dedicated to improving the lives of people through education, insight, and change.

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  • Go To Jail


    Go to Jail! is a call for Christians worldwide to take the mission of Christ outside the walls of the church.

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  • Delicious On My Ears


    For nearly two decades, newspapers and TV newscasts around the world were filled with disturbing images from the Vietnam War. During those turbulent years from 1958 to 1974, John and Jo Newman served as missionaries in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Despite wartime dangers, natural disasters, and political turmoil, they persevered in their work of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ which the mountain people said was “delicious on their ears.” This is the extraordinary story of how the Newmans’ love for the mountain people would propel them into a lifetime of dedication to the people of Vietnam-a story of adventure, sacrifice, heartbreak, and courage.

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  • Into Africa : Adventures Of A Missionary Kid Crocodile In The River


    Dave Rager and his family arrive in Mattru Jong, Sierra Leone, to start their first term as missionaries. They get settled into their new home and Dave meets Jeff, another missionary kid. The two become fast friends and begin a ‘Good News Club’ to introduce Jesus to the local Mattru kids. But Tom Berkey, a bully at the MK School, teases them from the beginning of school. Dave has to learn how to deal with the bullying, and he hears about a terrible event in the past that made Tom turn mean. Tom dares them to swim in the Jong River, where he says crocodiles are. Dave and Jeff, disregarding Tom’s attempt to scare them, proceed with their plan to float down the river. But, it is dangerous, and someone’s life is at risk! Dave must have great courage and test skills he has never used. Crocodile in the River continues the saga of the Rager family as they make friends in their new African home. Tragic events could turn anyone into an enemy of the Lord. Gentleness, prayer and forgiveness are necessary to understand and help restore those alienated from God because of losses that could happen on the mission field.

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  • Growing Up Yanomamo


    Three generations of the same family working with this Venezuelan tribe and now a new film coming out from the tribal leaders themselves to refute the secular anthropologists by showing how walking with Christ has transformed their culture. The Dawson’s went out with New Tribes Mission in ’53 and the film has been reviewed by New Tribes as well to ensure accuracy.

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  • Where The Earth Ends


    Stone Age People Tell Their Story This book is a collection of six first-person true stories. They take you into the world of individuals emerging from the Stone Age who live on the island of New Guinea. A boy, the only son of a war-chief, refuses his heritage. He meets a strange being who bursts into his world, a missionary, and begins to follow Jesus. In midlife our hero becomes the church leader of thousands of people, a chief far greater than his father. A six-year old girl is the only child of her parents when they become missionaries to a distant tribe. Rebels capture them, forcing them to walk three days into the jungle where there is no food. God delivers them in an amazing fashion. The book is ideal for adults and for use in home and Christian school curricula. Heroes emerge from a foreign culture. Anthropology, history and geography unfold with the telling of these captivating stories. Each chapter concludes with a Bible lesson and devotional thought. Families with children may choose to read the book together at the story hour. Adults may enjoy reading one chapter each day. Ever wondered if your involvement in world missions is worth the effort? This book provides an answer to this question you will never forget!

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  • To Timbuktu And Beyond


    Timbuktu has become a metaphor for remote and inaccessible locations. However, it is a real place with real people. Like much of the world’s population, few of Timbuktu’s residents have had the opportunity to hear the Gospel. While the task may seem daunting, the Church is not sitting still! Each year hundreds of Christians are joining the vast force of cross-cultural missionaries flung around the globe. To Timbuktu and Beyond serves as a practical, step-by-step guide for those getting ready to go into missions. It begins with the basic question of knowing and confirming your calling, working through the various steps of preparation, training and logistics, and carrying you through your first few months on the field. Each chapter has a series of tasks for you to prayerfully complete. Missions is the most fulfilling career path you could possibly embark on-not to mention an incredible adventure! To Timbuktu and Beyond will help you in preparation for your journey, because what you do before you go will have a significant impact on your future success.

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  • Into Africa : Adventures Of A Missionary Kid Monkey Hunting


    Dave Rager and his family are headed to Sierra Leone in West Africa for their first term as missionaries. As they start there orientation, they meet Miss Maida Green, who is viewed with doubt by the other missionaries because of her strange behaviors. Dave determines that he will avoid Miss Maida, but she surprises him by inviting him to go monkey hunting. This is something he can’t pass up! As the hunt progresses, danger lurks unseen and Dave’s life is in peril. The missionaries, new and old, must trust God to help them as never before. Into Africa is a wonderful story about adjusting to missionary life in a third world African country. Being a Missionary has its ups and downs, as well as dangers. Trusting the Lord through these dangers becomes essential for survival and success on the mission field. Accepting differences in others and loving them is a lesson all must learn.

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  • Apostolic Function In 21st Century Missions


    In the past we have focused on the “why” of missions in terms of motives, the “what” of missions in terms of the content of the message, and the “how” of missions in terms of methodologies and strategies, but the “where” question, in terms of where we send cross-cultural workers, has simply been assumed; it has meant crossing a geographic boundary.
    In Apostolic Function in 21st Century Missions, Alan R. Johnson introduces the idea of apostolic function as the paradigm of missionary self-identity that reminds us to focus our efforts on where Christ is not named. He then examines in detail the “where” paradigm in missions, frontier mission missiology, with a sympathetic critique and a review of the major contributions of unreached people group thinking. Johnson concludes by illustrating his notion of seeking to integrate missions paradigms and discussing of issues that relate specifically to the “where” questions of missions today.

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  • African Creeks Ive Been Up


    In African Creeks I’ve Been Up the author brings together a composite of everyday experiences of a long-term career missionary. Some are hilarious. Some are quite serious. Some are miraculous. But the intent of all is to show accurately how diversified missionary life actually can be.

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  • Parents Of Missionaries


    As a parent of a missionary you may feel that missing your child and your grandchildren signals a lack of faith. Please realize your conflicting emotions have real causes that can and should be talked about. It is possible to stay connected with your missionary and your grandchildren in meaningful ways and you can sustain and build those relationships despite the miles that separate. Not only can you survive as a POM-you can thrive. Whether you’re the parent of a missionary recruit or a parent of an experienced missionary, you’ll benefit from the authors’ research and personal experience as they present a comprehensive plan for understanding missionary life, navigating the holidays, grandparenting long-distance and saying good-bye well. Parents of Missionaries equips you with the understanding, attitudes and skills you need to forge a vibrant new identity as a POM.

    Combining a counselor’s professional insight and a parent’s personal journey, plus ideas and stories from dozens of missionaries and POMs, Parents of Missionaries is a valuable tool for missions mobilizers and educators as well as parents. The authors contend that proclaiming the gospel and making disciples was not meant to eclipse the loving family bonds God ordained.The POM experience amounts to a journey through change, pain and adjustment. Wherever you are on that journey, Parents of Missionaries will encourage you and help you thrive and stay connected with your children and grandchildren serving cross-culturally.

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  • 4 Aliens And A Giant In A Forbidden World


    One day a metal craft descended upon the earth, traveling at a speed approaching the soundbarrier. Like an exciting dream come true, the aliens had arrived in another world that was quite different from their own. This book will bring the light of the gospel into a land where it is forbidden.

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  • 4 Aliens And A Giant In A Forbidden World


    One day a metal craft descended upon the earth, traveling at a speed approaching the soundbarrier. Like an exciting dream come true, the aliens had arrived in another world that was quite different from their own. This book will bring the light of the gospel into a land where it is forbidden.

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  • Cry Of The Harvest


    Product Description
    The great labor of love that Jesus called ‘Harvest’ is still defined by this statement, “The laborers are few.” There must be a generation that leaps the hurdle of this self-fulfilling prophecy and redefines history. Is it you? 2006 the earth population reached 6.5 billion It is projected to reach 8 billion by 2020 9 billion by 2042 doubling the world population Is the modern church in position to answer this epic challenge? Can our present efforts keep up with this population quantum leap? Chad Taylor takes you past current rhetoric and reveals that the coming of Christ is not an unpredictable event but rather a moment hinged on world harvest. Chad confronts the seemingly insurmountable obstacles that face the church today and puts the mission field within reach. Breaking from the Christian mainstream Chad challenges the church to “launch out into the deep” and invites us all to go with him. The adventure begins now! “Chad Taylor addresses the greatest issue on the heart of God right now – the harvest. He does so with profound insight, and prophetic stirring. I highly recommend this evangelistic gem.” – Bill Johnson Pastor of Bethel Church Redding, CA. Chad Taylor currently resides in Yakima, Washington with his wife and children. Chad has traveled the length and breadth of America with a clarion call for a modern reformation. Chad is also the author of numerous prophetic words and articles that have been read around the world and the critically acclaimed book, “Why Revival Still Tarries.” Please visit for more information.

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  • God Said Leave July 15


    Product Description
    This is the story of a missionary that heard God speak and moved his family to Europe. With a one-way ticket, no foreign contacts and no guarantee of support, Ralph was able in two years to establish a church with building and local pastor. God rewarded this obedience and sacrifice with outstanding miracles of healing. Twice this family had money just appear when food was needed. This book will build your faith to trust God. Ralph Roberts grew up in a Christian family and came to Christ about age 5. His church stressed foreign missions and he began supporting missionaries very young. In high school at times he went without food to give his lunch money for missions. Doors began to open when he was called to preach at age 16 and he began saving for Bible school. He attended Southeastern Bible College and Central Bible College as well as the Alliance Francais in Lausanne, Switzerland where he learned French. He has spoken in over 500 churches in 20 nations and established many foreign churches. He has taught courses in several Bible schools and lectured in universities including the Sorbonne in Paris, France and the University of Moscow philosophy students. He has been a successful evangelist, taught marriage seminaries and spoken in many conferences. Ralph plays a guitar and sings in English, French and Russian. He is in the US several months each year and can be contacted for invitations at: Ralph Roberts Missions, Inc., P.O. Box 462, Milton, FL 32572.

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  • Re Mission


    In this innovative and radical book, postmodern mission and New Testament studies collide. Andrew Perriman examines the mission ofthe earliest church in its historical context and argues that our context is very different and so our mission cannot simply be a matter of doingexactly what the earliest church did. The key question at the heart of the book is, How do we shape a biblical theology of mission for apostbiblical church?Controversially, Perriman maintains that the eschatological crisis faced by the early church the coming judgment on the enemies that opposed Gods people has now passed with the collapse of the Roman Empire.Eschatology, says Perriman, is about temporary transitions from oppression to deliverance in the history of the people of God.However, creational disorder is with us all the time. The postmodern church does not face an eschatological crisis but a creational crisis. Amissiology that is oriented towards a new creation is far more relevant to us now than a missiology oriented, as it was in most of the New Testament, towards rescue from opposition and persecution.

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  • Through Fire And Sea 2nd Edition


    After 12 years of soul refining fires, the Meyers family left everything, trusted God and followed a dream-sailing on a hospital ship bringing hope and healing to the world’s forgotten poor. While training at the Mercy Ships International Operations Center, a health crisis left them in shock and the dream sank before launching. Trust in God returned as they faced dangers of the sea, lessons in mercy and a quiet miracle. Hope and healing for the poor became their own reflections in the sea.

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  • On The Side Of The Angels


    All too often, missions has been narrowly defined as evangelism, or at best, extending to practical, physical social action such as medical mission or education.

    On the Side of the Angels argues that human rights and justice need to be reclaimed by evangelical Christians, and that human rights work should be seen as central to Kingdom mission, not just regarded as a secondary activity, and labeled “political.”

    The book draws on the authors’ first-hand experiences of places of persecution and oppression, including Burma, East Timor, and India, along with their work of advocacy in the United States, United Kingdom, European Union, United Nations, and other forums. Its chapters include examining the biblical basis for activism, real-life stories of crimes against humanity, religious persecution, torture, discrimination, and injustice. Concrete examples of how to do advocacy, and inspiring examples of great Christian human rights activists, past and present, will motivate and challenge readers to be advocates of God’s love and justice.

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  • Innovation In Mission


    IVP Print On Demand Title

    As the world around us is changing, our methods also need to adapt in order to fulfill the unchanging vision of reaching the lost. Innovations in Missions provides outstanding opportunities to solve the great challenges of ministry in this new Century. This book is not an all-or-nothing approach to being innovative in ministry. It offers what has worked in other areas and lets the reader choose what might be a possibility for their church or ministry.

    It will provide insight, encouragement and hope to those who are critically looking at the world and considering the problems that must be addressed. Missionaries, mission executives, mission pastors and mission committees wanting to adapt effective strategies in order to stay current with global changes will benefit greatly from this book.

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  • Mission Under Scrutiny


    What is Christian mission in a world post-everything? This volume is a masterful rethinking of the problems and prospect of the Christian vocation to mission in light of the whole checkered legacy – religious, philosophical, colonial, and economic – of modernity.

    Kirk draws on his considerable experience of worldwide mission and his expertise in modern Western thought to throw light on all the most burning questions, such as:
    *What kinds of mission initiatives are appropriate today?
    *Is it legitimate to invite adherents of different religions to follow Jesus?
    *What role have Christians played in advocating violence, and also in being agents of peace and reconciliation?

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  • Bruchko And The Motilone Miracle


    The powerful sequel to Buchko, a remarkable tale of adventure, tragedy, faith, and love. It shows how, despite incredible dangers and obstacles, one humble man and a tribe of primitive, violent Indians – by joining together in simple obedience – have been transformed forever by the sovereign will of God. This book, which details Olson’s missionary work and events from the 1970s to the present, will stir and encourage the hearts of readers to serve and follow God passionately.

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  • Bruchko : The Astonishing True Story Of A 19 Year Old American His Capture


    What happens when a 19 year old boy leaves home and heads into the jungles to evangelize a murderous trive of South American Indians? For Bruce Olson, it meant capture, disease, terro, loneliness, and torture. But what he discovered by trial and error has revolutionized the world of missions.

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  • Christian Youth Builders


    Learn how this Missionary Group was blessed way beyond what they gave. You will understand how by giving they received life gifts that continue to exceed any expectations. Educations were achieved, family values exceeded, perfection in parenting raised, friendships became enhanced, and marriages entered into that set excellence in Christian Behavior. Within this book you will be exposed to systems on how to accomplish all of your desires. Each of us get to make many decisions for ourselves. Read about the standards young people set up for themselves that go way beyond what was taught or even what parents desired. Society today can not even imagine the accomplishments of these dedicated young people. New standards were set in behavior, friendships, academics, language, and personal accomplishments. Get ready to ENJOY!

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  • Orinoco God At Work In Venezuela


    Orinoco! God at Work in Venezuela follows the growth of the evangelical church in Eastern Venezuela. It tells the story from a macro perspective that points to a dovetailing of world events-a God-sized picture-that led to individual and particular encounters. The book alternates between examining details of pioneer missionary life and using key lookout points to provide a perspective from which to interpret the details of history and God’s guiding hand. Orinoco! pulls together multiple examples of North American missionaries and Venezuelans who sought to focus on what was most important, sometimes getting caught up by their own limitations, lack of knowledge, and understanding. Despite internal and external pressures, they persevered and believed in what God was doing in their midst.
    Author Profile

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